
Digital Transformation Workshop

Industrial companies are on a digital transformation (DX) in operations and manufacturing to support company-wide strategies for growth, innovation, and sustainability. Organizations have initiated CIO-level digitalization efforts, operations must consider risks and margins, to successfully transform from the boardroom to the frontline.

Leveraging our decades of experience in process manufacturing plus our digital fluency, Yokogawa offers a DX Workshop to align your DX initiatives, prioritize resources to make the biggest impact and to create organizational awareness. It is a starting point to layout a DX roadmap that considers people, processes, technology, assets, and data.

Keys for Success

organizational alignment Alignment of executives and managers about digital goals and strategies.

tech skillsIntegrating technology and supporting talent reskilling.

partner with us71% of companies succeed at their digital transformation efforts with the aid of a partner.

people, process, technologyEarly consideration of people, process, technology orchestration to assure organizational adoption.

Future-proof results

DX can lead to future-proof results, but is a daunting challenge with many interdependent factors, and there is no one-size-fits-all solution. The DX approach must adapt to a company’s unique business strategy and operations.

Process industry companies need a business partner who starts by engaging and aligning with their goals, aspirations, and business strategies. DX is not just an event or a single project, it is a journey that should be carefully discovered, designed, and developed.

Yokogawa DX Consulting Engagement

Are You Ready to Step into the Future?

There are numerous disruptive technologies available, and Yokogawa can help you choose the right path for your organization.
Interested in learning more about our DX workshop? Request a consultation with one of our DX experts.


DX Workshop Benefits and Deliverables

The program will cultivate positive effects throughout your organization by facilitating cross-functional participation


Digital Maturity Assessment

Benchmarking your current state of digital readiness versus your industry peers for the identification of the gaps & challenges.


Prioritization Report

A structured methodology to prioritize DX focus areas aligned to the strategic intent of your organization.


DX Roadmap

A clear articulation of direction, steps and decisions for the company’s path to a different future.

participant profile

Participants Profile

The DX workshop facilitates cross-functional collaboration, silo breaking, empathy, and alignment between operations, engineering, IT, and business stakeholders. The workshop helps change agents, business leaders, and visionaries formulate and execute a pragmatic and justifiable transformation strategy to lead their business unit or organization through a digital disruption.

Previous DX participants include:

  • Functional engineering teams
  • Operations
  • IT
  • Business leaders
  • Key stakeholders
  • Influencers responsible for organizational DX initiatives



Descripción General:

Digital transformation is the novel use of digital technology to accelerate your company's business strategy.

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